Thursday, September 30, 2010


Michael Pearson

The Congress amend the constitution in order to prevent overwhelmed powers.
If I amend the Constitution I first divde the powers between the state government and federal government.
Then I would that every citizen would have their own rights and own powers.
Then I establish laws of the Constitution where the government can establish their own powers.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Michael Pearson                                                                                                                               9/27/10

                                I think that the federalism is not a good idea because what federalism actually does is that it a form created by the government which astonish the laws that controls the nations and human behavior. The reason why it's not a good idea because people can live places that make them feel their own freedom and rights and pursuit their happiness. Also that people can feel for who ever they have feeling and what they desire for their lives.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Michael Pearson                                                                    9/23/10

                           The U.S Constitution was needed because the government needed the gain more laws and control. The Constitution had the highest law and frame work of the government, another part of the Constitution was the Three Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches. Includes the Add-ons and the Amendments of the bill of rights. With the U.S Constitution been created the government will restore all the struggles throughout after the Articles of Confederation. Before the U.S Constitution was created the government has faced difficult situations such as the Articles of Confederation which was a total failure due to so much weaknesses that the government such as the loss of money, lack of soldiers and the slack of taxes. The way they solve the problems was after the U.S Constitution was created the government was full restored and gain more laws such as the Great Compromise, The 3/5 Compromise and The Commerce Compromise.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Homework #8

I think that the independence is the only option for the colonist because they want to gain more power and control around the nation. There were many documents based on the causes of independence such as the stamp act, the townshed Act, the tea act and the proclamation of 1763 which help many colonists around the nation, however the there were some documents that became a total failure such as the Articles of Confederations because of the lack of money, taxes and no courts, lack of soilder army and no presendent.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Do you think Direct democracy could work in the United States? why or why not? Do you think representative democracy is working in America today? If America was a direct democracy how would people react towards government? what would live be like? What is the perfect government for you?

             No I don't think that the direct democracy can work because many people are not sure what decisions that they would make. The democracy is a form where people live on the election can make the form decision on life, liberty and speech. I think that the representative democracy is acting more on the America today because many americans has gain of interest in the government. However the electors of the democracy party has been in struggle of the limited power of the democracy.If america was under direct democracy then the people who are voting on the election, the government would have gain more limited power.
              Personally I don't know of a perfect government for me but for the government to be better is by sharing the limited power to every citizen around the world in order to prevent the struggle of the unlimited power.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Current Events

Title: Senate Oks small biz jobs bill
                                                   The article is about the senate of the united states has invest $42 billion dollars in for small businesses. The Senate's bill prompts approximate 500,000 jobs since 2008 the small business loan has been dropped by 17.8% which the value of $60 to $650 billion. The Treasury Department has created a $30 billion fund in order to invest Stocks in banks. The Bills has presented the tax breaks that helps the investment of Taxation. The Taxes has increase the amount of the investment in order for the small businesses can stabilized the expense.  I believe that now that the small business's stock loans are been recovered the effect of it helps people including myself has easier advantage of getting jobs and the ways affects me is that I don't have to struggle getting a job. The Impact on this article around the world is that now many people that lost their jobs or looking for a job in the past can finally get jobs again.
Also that the other small businesses that are struggling for money stocks can gain more investment.

The link where I got the current events:

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Purpose of Gov't

Michael Pearson                                                                                                                                  9/13/10

                   Some People obey the laws of the government because it's a form to keep protection for every person to become under control and to prevent getting into trouble and end up in jail, without the laws of government the world would have been in complete chaos and wars will become endless, also because they want to have their freedom, rights and speech. Others don't obey the laws because they feel that they don't need to care for the law so they do what they feel. I trust the law because it helps establish rules of self-control and prevent trouble and can stop anakey.
                 The changes that should help make it better for the government is that the states' economic systems reduces the taxes prices and the invest more stocks in order to prevent the economy from going to destruction. Also another to the change is that millions of companies' investment will be increase 3.5x their stocks in order to prevent many businesses from closing down. Including lower prices and creating more ideas to make more places to have more stocks increase.