Monday, October 4, 2010

Current Events #3

Michael Pearson

             This Article is based on after the raid of the state's electronic halls. The Casino owners has order lobbyists to make legal vegas parlors in order to invest millions of dollars in forms of bribing. The articles takes place in Alabama in result of the plan to make casino parlors has led the justice department to formed a trial because they accused the owner of Alabama's largest Casino, four senates and the hired lobbyists for buying and selling votes into the legislatures. In the result of the trial, the defendant of the casino bribe has been pleaded guilty for the offer of $2 million to the senate for them to vote for the bill to keep the casino business on going.
            The Federal agents has arrested eleven more people also for the bribing, conspraicy and fraud. The conclusion of the article is the four senates of the federal has voted for an untask bill to legalize casino machines.

The site of the article is

1 comment:

  1. Please write more, also this should be current events # 3, this friday current events # 4 is due so you are missing current events # 2. Please make up the one that you are missing.
